Singles Round Up 2025 – January – Pt 5

Gates of Light – Advance

An incessant drum beat underlining Louise Quinn’s shimmering vocal gives way to an intense throbbing electro baseline (that somehow gives me 1980s TV show Miami Vice vibes) which gets under the skin as Louise’s breathy dreamlike, almost otherworldly, vocal begins to take hold and give you a woozy spaced out feeling that entrances you and you can’t help but let yourself be taken under its spell.

Gates of Light

Sweet Unrest – How Are You Feeling?

The energy ramps up several notches when Sweet Unrest pick up the baton and runs with it, pounding staccato drums set the furious pace picked up by frenetic guitar bursts, everything coming together like an inescapable burning fireball hurtling towards earth.… Read the rest

Singles, Singles, Singles…. August to October 2024 (Part 1)

I’m admitting defeat, I can’t keep up the pace with what I’d really like to do with The Ginger Quiff. The Singles Round-Ups are an onerous task… what with adding all the links and videos and the like.

I’m going to have to re-think my approach, after all the reason I want to feature so many singles is because I like them… not because I feel I have to. But I do need to make the process more manageable, and to get the joy back into it, and not have that “oh fuck, I’ve still got another 30 songs to write about” feeling that I currently experience.… Read the rest

Singles Round Up 2024 – Part 7 – July

I love new music. Simple. New music from new bands. New music from old bands. It never ceases to amaze me when I come across people who don’t like music (at all?!?) or are determined to tell me, all the great music has already been made (really?1?)… Suffice to say, EVERY month there are dozens of quality new sounds and bands that blow my mind…

Top 10

I keep digging a hole for myself by rating things. How hard it is to have a favourite! it’s like, do I prefer eating, drinking or breathing? Anyway… here goes…

Single of the Month

Keeley – Inga Hauser

One of the Ginger Quiff’s 24 for ’24, the peerless Keeley Moss and her band Keeley, continue to go from strength to strength, having wowed me from the off with the songs on their Brave Warrior EP, and literally everything that has followed since, culminating in my finally getting to see this musical tour de force live last year.… Read the rest

Singles Round Up 2024 – Part 5 – May

I am so unbelievably behind it’ll be Halloween soon and I’ll still be at Easter… I’m still working month’s behind in singles round ups, and about 6 months behind in album and EP reviews. I’m putting that down to shit like life getting in the way, but I’ll also use the excuse that there is so much fantastic new music out there by bands old and new that I can’t keep up with the sheer volume of music to listen to, which to be fair, ain’t that far from the truth.

My May (yeah I know, May, that was like months ago, literally…) round up follows, as does a playlist of all the songs on Tidal.… Read the rest

Singles Round Up 2024 – Part 3 – March

Another month, another singles round up, and a bumper selection it is too, 61 songs in this month’s list, This month’s selection comes from a range of bands and singers from newer talent such as Dancer, Soapbox and recent BBC Introducing Scottish Act of the Year Bottle Rockets through to established legends such as Sonic Youth’s Kim Gordon, as well as home grown legends Arab Strap and the continued welcome return of James King and the Lonewolves ahead of their new album The Mortality Arcade.

The Top 25

Single of the Month

Soapbox – Fascist Bob

Several reasons for this being single of the month for March, first and foremost it’s a fucking great song cementing Soapbox as one of the best of the current crop of Scottish bands displaying a punk attitude in the true spirit of the first wave of punk, kicking against the pricks and railing against the right wing.… Read the rest

Dark Places – a mini festival from The Filthy Tongues

The inaugural, I say that in hope rather than having any specific knowledge of this being an annual occurrence, Dark Places festival was to my ears, a roaring success, a glorious celebration of music across a variety of genres, and from new bands to the more established (I was going to say young and old, but let’s say young at heart…)

Martha May and the Mondays

The job of opening the festival was handed to Martha May and the Mondays, a new band for me, part of the virtue of a festival like this, the opportunity to discover music new to you..… Read the rest

Buzz Cutz Pt 3 – Lambrini Girls, Ex-, Big Girls Blouse, Casual Worker – EP reviews

Buzz Cutz Part 3 is the latest in an irregular regular series of short, sharp reviews in an attempt to catch on a backlog of releases…. so without further ado, Lambrini Girls have something to say.

Lambrini Girls – You’re Welcome EP

You’re Welcome is a lesson, nay a warning for all homophobes, transphobes, Terfs, sexists, toxic males, dinosaurs in the music industry, white van men, and generally just those who are too stupid to understand a way of life that doesn’t fit their own narrow blinkered view (case in point, extraordinary single – Help Me I’m Gay)… I could go on, you name it, they’re a target for Lambrini Girls and fuck me, they don’t miss their targets.… Read the rest

Brat Coven

Brat Coven, Brenda & Dusk Amadeus – live in The Hug and Pint

My working week last week was bookended by two of the Endless Summer nights in the Hug and Pint, the latter featuring the darkly gothic shoegaze of Dusk Amadeus, the utter joy that is the experience of a Brenda show, and the first headline show for the angry riot grrrl punks, Brat Coven.

Dusk Amadeus

Dusk Amadeus

Events were conspiring to have me miss this gig, having firstly to turn for home realising I’d forgotten my wallet, then eventually getting to the station to discover my train was cancelled. Thankfully though, although I missed the start of Dusk Amadeus set, i did catch the second half.… Read the rest

Bela and the Lugosis Vampire Kiss

Bela and the Lugosis – Vampire Kiss – album review

Before you press play on any of these songs, I imagine you will have some idea of the style of music, Bela and the Lugosis – Vampire Kiss, screams 70s disco crossed with grime doesn’t it? I jest of course. If you are yearning for the days you wore only back, came out only in the hours of darkness with your pale complexion, eyeliner (or guyliner!) and black nail varnish, this album will have you re-living nights in the Tech. Actually, if that is still how you roll, this album is for you.

Of course, the band name recalls the gothest of all goth bands (cue debate from all the ”real” goths out there), the mighty Bauhaus.… Read the rest