Singles Round Up 2024 – Part 5 – May

I am so unbelievably behind it’ll be Halloween soon and I’ll still be at Easter… I’m still working month’s behind in singles round ups, and about 6 months behind in album and EP reviews. I’m putting that down to shit like life getting in the way, but I’ll also use the excuse that there is so much fantastic new music out there by bands old and new that I can’t keep up with the sheer volume of music to listen to, which to be fair, ain’t that far from the truth.

My May (yeah I know, May, that was like months ago, literally…) round up follows, as does a playlist of all the songs on Tidal.… Read the rest

Death Valley Girls with Junk Pups and Tanzana – Broadcast

The last time I caught Death Valley Girls live was on a dreich and miserable Monday night in the self same venue, but with the stage where the bar is, and vice versa. Bonnie and the band were on top form back then with local duo Run Into the Night in tow. This time around they outshone themselves with a mind-bending stellar performance.

Before the headliners took to the stage though, they already had a lot to live up to after the performances from the two support bands for the evening. 

First up it was the turn of fresh faced quintet Tanzana.… Read the rest

Junk Pups – New Years Revolution – with Homework, The Cowards & Velvet

The closing event in this year’s New Year’s Revolution had a lot to live up to after the extravaganza earlier in the month featuring the glory of Sister Madds (many of whom were present for this gig) and the mighty Tina Sandwich whose powerhouse vocalist Tilly was also in attendance for this closing night.

The job of opening proceedings was handed to Homework who went about this task with aplomb. The sparse early crowd soon bolstered as people started filtering in from downstairs as their set caught the imaginations of the early comers. The bands blend of west coast harmonies (take your pick from whichever west coast you chose – Glasgow or USA) paired with their energetic dual guitar assault is a joy to the eardrums coming across like a grungy Teenage Fanclub mixed with elements of Kiwi Jr and Sebadoh.… Read the rest

The Bucky Rage – Living in a Cult – album review

Do you ever get the rage? Do you need a release for your pent-up frustrations? Then maybe it’s time you did something about it, and what better time than now to try Living in a Cult with The Bucky Rage.

If you’ve ever seen the band live, you’ll know they’ve got a reputation for anarchic chaos, taking to the stage in their luchador mascaras, with a resultant frenzied melee that leaves you in a state of confused bewilderment and elation, wondering just what it was that hit you. Pretty much the effect Living in a Cult will have on you too.… Read the rest

Junk Pups – Interview and Live Review (The Hug and Pint 17th August ’23)

(All Photos Courtesy of Chris Hogge Photography)

Last week, Junk Pups played their second headline gig, this time at The Hug and Pint as part of the Endless Summer series of gigs. Having been meaning to do so for a long time, I finally managed to catch up with the band (and Angel!) after they’d sound-checked ahead of the gig.

The Ginger Quiff: So, just a bit of background first and foremost, how did the four of you get together as a band.

Jack: During the first lockdown I messaged Dylan, I knew Dylan from a thing we did in school called Behind the Noise, I knew they played bass, and I was just like.

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The Countess of Fife – Live Review, The Gilded Balloon, Patter Hoose, Edinburgh Fringe

Having released one of the standout albums of 2023 and 2024 in Star of the Sea (the album was available last year, but the vinyl launched earlier this year), The Countess of Fife aka Fay Fife of Rezillos fame has built a formidable live band around her in the shape of Willy Molleson on drums (Eliza Carthy), Al Gare on double bass (Imelda May, Jeff Beck), Laurie Cuffe on guitar (Cuban Heels, Vellininios). and on acoustic guitar and backing vox, Kirsten Adamson who has been picking up plaudits herself for her 2nd album Landing Place, including My Fathers Song’s a poignant tribute to her late father.… Read the rest

Singles Round Up 2023 – Part 6 – June

June singles round up featuring some of the best new music around including joint “Singles of the Month” by the mighty Water Machine, Brenda, Bin Juice and KEELEY

I’m afraid time is not currently my friend, so like the May round up…. only just published in July…. There are no write ups of the songs featured.

That doesn’t mean I haven’t listened to all of them. After all, none of them would be here if I didn’t love them all …

Hopefully my time management will improve and normal service will be resumed in July

Water Machine – Water Machine Pt.

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Review of the Year – 2022

If I don’t get my arse in gear, it’ll be February before I publish my round up of 2022. To be honest, I’ve still got a (virtual) pile of albums still to review… as a result, some of my favourite records of 2022 will be in the lists but remain unreviewed!

Singles of the Year

I already published my top 15 singles of the year (well actually I published a list of 80 songs…. but my top 15 were as follows:

  • 15 – Dumb Poets – Magic Happens
  • 14 – Dream Wife – Leech
  • 13 – Syvdoh – As I Lay Dying
  • 12 – The Bobby Lees – Monkey Mind
  • 11 – Collars – Baby I’m Bored
  • 10 – Keeley – Shadows on the Hill
  • 9 – His Lordship – All Cranked Up
  • 8 – Brontes – First Hand Arrogance
  • 7 – Jemma Freeman and the Cosmic Something Easy Peelers
  • 6 – Sacred Noise – Part of Me
  • 5 – Junk Pups – Miss Behave
  • 4 – Horsegirl – Anti Glory
  • 3 – Pizza Crunch – Wilting Youth
  • 2 – Water Machine – Hot Real Estate
  • 1 – Monica Queen – What is Home?
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Countess of Fife

The Countess of Fife live in The Glad Cafe

Having had a disappointing gig experience on the previous evening, it was down to The Countess to restore my faith in the re-invigorating nature of immersing yourself in live music. I had every faith in the band to deliver, and deliver they did, a first-class performance to announce the arrival of the stunning debut album Star of the Sea (reviewed here)

The venue was the intimate setting of southside gem, The Glad Cafe, where I was delighted join a sea of friendly faces in celebrating the album’s release. Before the main attraction it was the turn of Kirsten Adamson (as a fellow Fifer, Kirsten is also a member of the headliners) to entertain.… Read the rest

The Countess of Fife – Star of the Sea – album review

Those who pledged to Fay Fife & Co’s Kickstarter campaign will be delighted to finally hear the realisation of the fruits of The Countess of Fife’s labours with the release of the CD and digital versions of the album Star of the Sea*, and a launch gig in Glasgow’s Glad Cafe on Friday.

If you haven’t been fortunate to pick up on this project so far from the fireball of frantic energy who is the spirited front woman of the mighty Rezillos alongside Eugene Reynolds, The Countess of Fife is an altogether different proposition from the interstellar punk ‘n’ roll of The Rezillos.… Read the rest