Albums of the Year 2023

Before I list my favourite “Albums of the Year 2023”, an apology.

I have been inundated this year with new music, new albums, requests for reviews and features. First, I’m happy that there is so much great music out there and that I’m party to being able to hear and share that new music, but secondly, a huge apology to many bands and artists whose music I’ve loved and planned to review/feature but it hasn’t happened. I’d love nothing more than to spend my life listening to and writing about music (and the book I keep meaning to finish), but that doesn’t pay the bills.… Read the rest

Singles of the Year 2023

I have no idea how John Peel narrowed songs down to a Festive 50 every year, he must have received 1000 times the number of songs I receive on a yearly basis. Maybe if I did a Singles of the Year 2023 blog again tomorrow or the next day, things would change slightly as I think of another song that needs to be included, as in the singles round-ups (links to all the round ups of the year at the foot of the blog) I must have listed between 400 and 500 songs this year, another bumper year for new music.… Read the rest

The Bluebells Anyone Could Be a Buzzcock single

VIDEO PREMIERE – The Bluebells – Anyone Could Be a Buzzcock

Anyone Could be a Buzzcock is the new single taken from The Bluebells latest album, In the 21st Century, their first for over twenty years. The absorbing album from the legendary Glasgow icons has received great plaudits both by critics and old and new fans alike. The band go back to their roots on this energetic single, a welcome slice of first-wave-of-punk influenced nostalgia, inspired by the late, great Pete Shelley. The song is both a whole lot of fun and a great tribute to the Buzzcocks frontman, one of punks finest songwriters, and is accompanied by a suitably vibrant and colourful video from Glasgow artist, Jim Lambie.… Read the rest

Dark Places – a mini festival from The Filthy Tongues

The inaugural, I say that in hope rather than having any specific knowledge of this being an annual occurrence, Dark Places festival was to my ears, a roaring success, a glorious celebration of music across a variety of genres, and from new bands to the more established (I was going to say young and old, but let’s say young at heart…)

Martha May and the Mondays

The job of opening the festival was handed to Martha May and the Mondays, a new band for me, part of the virtue of a festival like this, the opportunity to discover music new to you..… Read the rest

Brenda – Brenda – debut album review

Glasgow is awash with new music talent these days, at the forefront of the bands trading their wares comes the unique synth sounds of Brenda. To avoid any confusion, Brenda is a band, not a person, the coming together of the wonderfully unconventional trio of Litty, Apsi and Flore (also a member of another of the bands at the forefront of the current crop of extraordinary bands mined from this particularly giving seam – Water Machine). 

While not exactly shrinking violets or introverted wallflowers, the band are modest in their own descriptions of their talents and musicianship, but in the opinion of this listener, their debut album is up there amongst my favourites of the year to date.… Read the rest

Singles Round Up 2023 – Part 6 – June

June singles round up featuring some of the best new music around including joint “Singles of the Month” by the mighty Water Machine, Brenda, Bin Juice and KEELEY

I’m afraid time is not currently my friend, so like the May round up…. only just published in July…. There are no write ups of the songs featured.

That doesn’t mean I haven’t listened to all of them. After all, none of them would be here if I didn’t love them all …

Hopefully my time management will improve and normal service will be resumed in July

Water Machine – Water Machine Pt.

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Brenda – live in the Hug and Pint with Hound and Pozi

In a typical turn of events in the Glasgow gig world, I could have been in (at least) two places at once tonight with two of Glasgow’s best new(ish) bands playing at the same time in different parts of the city. I’d bought a ticket to see Brenda supporting Pozi in The Hug and Pint before Junk Pups announced they were supporting Sister Madds at their single launch in Nice n Sleazy. I did do some research on the possibilities of seeing both, but time travel isn’t yet a thing…

Let’s just say, the Glasgow music scene is in fine fettle with bands like Junk Pups and Brenda winning new followers every day alongside bands like Watermachine, Tina Sandwich, Sacred Noise, Brontes, Big Girls Blouse, Pizza Crunch, Casual Worker, Pedalo, Parliamo, Static, Bin Juice, the aforementioned Sister Madds, Dark Amadeus’s and Goodbody to name a few.… Read the rest

The Bathers, Sister John & The Cowboy Mouth – LNFG triple bill – live review

This was the second weekend in a row I took in a triple bill of Last Night From Glasgow acts, having been wowed the previous Friday by the album launch show for Slime City in the excellent St Luke’s and the Winged Ox venue, a gig also featuring bis and Casual Worker.

Converted churches seem to be order of the day, this time round Websters Theatre in the city’s West End hosting the trio of Graham Skinner and Douglas McIntyre’s The Cowboy Mouth, the band who have the prestige of being LNFG’s first album release, Sister John and, as I once saw them billed, a seminal Glasgow band, The Bathers.… Read the rest

Slime City Death Club


Do you want some existentialist fun? Then come on and join the Death Club! The membership benefits are second to none. Don’t worry death isn’t a pre-requisite, although Slime City are here to remind you of the fact that you and everybody that you love will one day die…

On that note it should be pointed out that gallows humour is a matter of course, but just forms a small part of what you get with your membership of this singularly unorthodox exclusive, naw make that inclusive, club. Slime City has something for everyone in their repertoire. Rising from the ashes of the legendary We Are The Physics, Glasgow’s Slime City has been on the go for what seems like aeons now, after a series of audaciously sublime singles, we are finally being treated to the debut album from this sardonically anarchic band.… Read the rest

Singles Round Up 2023 – Part 4 – April

Four months into 2023 and the new music keeps coming thick and fast, so much to listen to, so much to love. As usual, there is the evil Spotify playlist at the end, try then buy….

Lambrini Girls – Lads, Lads, Lads

Ahead of the release of their EP, You’re Welcome, comes single number three from feisty punks Lambrini Girls, this time tackling the subject of lad culture and toxic masculinity with great gusto, venting their spleen with impassioned fury. Be sure to catch them when they play The Hug and Pint in June, and if you’re going south for Iggy’s Dog Day Afternoon, get their early to see them.… Read the rest