Singles Round Up 2023 – Part 4 – April

Four months into 2023 and the new music keeps coming thick and fast, so much to listen to, so much to love. As usual, there is the evil Spotify playlist at the end, try then buy….

Lambrini Girls – Lads, Lads, Lads

Ahead of the release of their EP, You’re Welcome, comes single number three from feisty punks Lambrini Girls, this time tackling the subject of lad culture and toxic masculinity with great gusto, venting their spleen with impassioned fury. Be sure to catch them when they play The Hug and Pint in June, and if you’re going south for Iggy’s Dog Day Afternoon, get their early to see them.… Read the rest

Drunk Gods The Immortality Project

Drunk Gods – The Immortality Project – album review

I honestly thought after hearing nothing from Drunk Gods since their single Found the Lord & Lost My Soul/Pet Hate, back in 2018, that Ewan was on an indefinite hiatus, maybe he had found “the lord” and lost the music mojo? Thankfully this is not the case, with Ewan taking to social media at the turn of the year announcing the imminent return of Drunk Gods, this return now cemented with the release of The Immortality Project, the follow up to 2015’s self titled debut, and album title perhaps a wry observation and a hint that you can’t keep a good man down.… Read the rest

Review of the Year – 2022

If I don’t get my arse in gear, it’ll be February before I publish my round up of 2022. To be honest, I’ve still got a (virtual) pile of albums still to review… as a result, some of my favourite records of 2022 will be in the lists but remain unreviewed!

Singles of the Year

I already published my top 15 singles of the year (well actually I published a list of 80 songs…. but my top 15 were as follows:

  • 15 – Dumb Poets – Magic Happens
  • 14 – Dream Wife – Leech
  • 13 – Syvdoh – As I Lay Dying
  • 12 – The Bobby Lees – Monkey Mind
  • 11 – Collars – Baby I’m Bored
  • 10 – Keeley – Shadows on the Hill
  • 9 – His Lordship – All Cranked Up
  • 8 – Brontes – First Hand Arrogance
  • 7 – Jemma Freeman and the Cosmic Something Easy Peelers
  • 6 – Sacred Noise – Part of Me
  • 5 – Junk Pups – Miss Behave
  • 4 – Horsegirl – Anti Glory
  • 3 – Pizza Crunch – Wilting Youth
  • 2 – Water Machine – Hot Real Estate
  • 1 – Monica Queen – What is Home?
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Cathal Coughlan

Cathal Coughlan – A Unique Talent

I’m getting to that age now, many of the bands and artists I idolised as a young man are going the way of all flesh. Unfortunately many of them have been taken too young, Stuart Adamson, Bill MacKenzie, Joe Strummer, Prince…All of whom I’ve mourned in my own way, as many of us have. People that made music that had a massive impact on us, with songs that take us back to memorable times of our lives.

I’m not a young man anymore, so I was taken by surprise today just how hard I took the announcement of the death of the uniquely talented Cathal Coughlan, ex-frontman of Microdisney and Fatima Mansions, an artist who stood head and shoulders above his peers of the time, and one of those who you could say they broke the mould of when they made him.… Read the rest

DITZ The Great Regression

DITZ – The Great Regression – album review

The second great album of 2022 that I’ve picked up from Alcopop! Records so far. On the back of January’s superb release This is My World from Helen Love, comes the debut album from DITZ, in the shape of The Great Regression, an album title which is unerringly accurate for the dystopian post Brexit times we are currently living through.


An entirely different beast from the Helen Love album, DITZ produce an unsettling blend of abrasive post punk, mixed with often vicious and seemingly threatening metal guitar grooves and riffs, nigh on industrial in places. Elsewhere the mood is much more brooding, on the likes of Instinct, with a low key vocal backed by an equally low key, but incessant guitar line, the song does, however, rise to a cacophonous clamouring finale.… Read the rest

Vore Complex

Vore Complex – A Stranger Breed

I was recently sent a link to an album called A Stranger Breed by Vore Complex. A bit of further investigation reveals Vore Complex to be a former solo project by Ben Powers, with a hefty back catalogue of material (check out the bandcamp page). A Stranger Breed is a collaboration with a guitarist (Ed Rose) which in Ben’s words is “generally poppier and more accessible” than his solo projects under the same band name.

A Stranger Breed

A listen to the songs reveals penetrating industrial electronic soundscapes, with carefully selected samples adding to the darkly atmospheric nature of the songs.… Read the rest

VoiceX live

VoiceX: Live in Glasgow (Mono Café Bar)


I have been waiting some time to see a live performance from post-punk “supergroup” VoiceX and I’m pleased to report they were worth the wait. It is just a shame that more of Glasgow’s gig going punters couldn’t have witnessed the set. But never say never, there is always next time…

There were several gigs around the city that could have led to indecision and taken away some of the band’s potential audience. The punk crowd having the options of the MeninBlack and the Bard of Salford in town. There was also a potential crossover and carve up of the audience with an all-day gig at the Glad Café celebrating International Women’s Day featuring several bands L-Space and Curdle among them.… Read the rest

Drunk Gods

Drunk Gods are a 3 piece from Lanarkshire, Scotland. Having previously played together as Gobstopper, Ewan released the debut “Drunk Gods” album in 2014 and got the members of Gobstopper back together to play the songs live.

I recently caught up with Drunk Gods main man Ewan McGhee to talk about what motivated him to make and release Drunk Gods. I also wanted to find out what is next for Drunk Gods.

Drunk Gods Album

The first track on the album is “What’s Ma Motivation?”, so what is your motivation?

‘What’s Ma Motivation?’ Well, at the time when I was writing and recording the album, there was very little music around that I found exciting and provocative.

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