Mental Health Awareness Week

Mental Health Awareness Week 2018

Today marks the start of Mental Health Awareness week (14th – 20th May 2018), so I couldn’t let it pass without a blog.

You’ll know by now if you’ve read my blogs that I’m passionate about raising awareness of mental health, a passion that stems from my own experiences.

My own mental health and that of others has been fresh in my mind  in recent days and weeks.

From a personal perspective events have conspired to test my resolve. Events that in years gone would have seen me crumble, letting my negative thoughts in and letting them win. A time where I would have catastrophised every situation visualising the worst possible outcome, filtering out all potentially positive outcomes to paint a bleak picture of the future.… Read the rest


Ginger Wildheart Interview

Ginger – Ghost in the Tanglewood

Ginger Wildheart has recently released his latest solo album, Ghost in the Ghost in the TanglewoodTanglewood, recently reviewed on my blog. Personally, I found the album to be inspirational. I wanted to talk to Ginger about the background to this very personal album,  much of which focuses on his own battle with depression.

While people are more open about talking about Mental Health these days, there is still too much of a stigma around it. The more people like Ginger are willing to share their personal experiences, the further society can progress. It can only help in understanding and supporting those who do battle depression and other Mental Health issues.… Read the rest

Accept Yourself

Accept Yourself

“When will you accept yourself?” (Morrissey, The Smiths, 1983)

Despite what the start of this blog looks like, this isn’t a music post. It doesn’t actually have anything to do with the Smiths or Morrissey per se, but everything to do with that lyric. It says a lot to me about my life.

I’ve had a number of conversations recently that has brought this to mind and I took that as an opportunity to post this blog.

 Talk about your Mental Health

At work I have recently joined a team of Mental Health and Wellbeing Champions with a remit of raising awareness of mental health in the workplace.… Read the rest

Time to talk day 2018

Time to Talk Day 2018 – Mental Health Awareness

Time to Talk Day 2018

This coming week heralds a new month. Where has January gone? And on February 1st it is “Time to Talk Day 2018”. The aim of this day is to get people talking about mental health issues and reduce the taboo. To make it easy for people to ask for help when they need it without feeling as if they will be judged.

No matter who you are, where you are, what you do, what age you are, we all have mental health. Like our physical health we all have the potential to suffer from poor health from time to time.… Read the rest

Music is My Escape – using music as a coping strategy

Music is my Escape……..I posted this image on Facebook some time ago. However, I only recently took some time to really think about what this means to me. Mainly in terms of music being one of my “strategies” to deal with anxiety/depression.

I know there are many people who have different ways of dealing with their own mental health. Music isn’t something that helps everyone, but for me it is important.

I’m in a good place thanks to strategies I have in place. That includes using this blog as kind of a therapy. I have dealt with anxiety and depression for some time.… Read the rest

Can you think too much?

Is that a bad thing? And anyway, not thinking, how hard can it be?

Well to someone with anxiety, it can be nigh on impossible and also totally exhausting. Just not being able to switch off!

I’m not saying thinking is a bad thing, where would we be if inventors and entrepreneurs didn’t constantly come up with new ideas? What would happen if we didn’t think seriously about things and mull things over? Nothing obviously.

But what isn’t healthy is when you just can’t stop thinking, and the thoughts you have are totally unhelpful. They don’t even need to be about earth shattering events, hundreds of silly little thoughts about seemingly insignificant things can overwhelm and when unchecked can have a massive impact.… Read the rest